Twitter Tool Kit

Twitter Tool Kit

Dareshift’s Twitter tool kit includes 2 free-to-use tools that are easy-to-use and 100% free! Lets learn a little about what each tool does and how it can help you write your tweets.

App Summary

Dareshifts Twitter Toolkit includes two free-to-use Twitter tools that are easy-and-free to use. Let’s learn a little about what they do and how they can help you write your Tweets. The first tool is the tweet character counter and the second one is the trim your tweet tool.

App Details

App name

Twitter Tool Kit

Project duration


Tweet Character Counter

So, now that you know what this app is all about, lets talk about what the first tool does. As of November 8th, 2017, Twitter has doubled the character count from 140 to 280. So, since your tweet can now be 280 characters long, you can use this tool to write your tweet and track how many characters your tweet has out of 280. Use the following steps:

1. Go to the app (link & button above)

2. Click the button that says “Tweet Character Counter”

3. When you click the button, a prompt will appear where you can compose your tweet

4. Press OK

5. Once you press OK, another prompt will appear showing how many characters you have written and how many you have remaining

6. Press OK to close the prompt



Trim Your Tweet Tool

The second tool is the tweet trim tool. If you think that your tweet might me too long, you can easily use the trim your tweet tool to see how much you need to cut from your tweet. Follow the steps bellow to use the tool:

1. Go to the app (link & button above)

2. Click the button that says “Trim Your Tweet”

3. When you click the button, a prompt will appear where you can compose your tweet

4. Press OK

5. Once you press OK, another prompt will appear showing the trimmed version of your tweet

6. Press OK to close the prompt



In conclusion, this tool can be a very useful and resourceful tool that you can use to make sure your tweet is within the required character count Twitter has set. Thanks for reading!

Thanks for Reading!